
For 2024 we have our hallmark Ladies Doubles Tournament plus we’re bringing back Pickleball!


8:30 AM – Check In Begins / Courts Open for Warm Up

9:00 – Final Call for Check In

9:10 AM – Opening Ceremonies / Group Photo / Honor Survivors

9:20 AM – Head Down to the Courts

9:30 AM – Tournament Begins!

~12 PM – Semifinal & Final Rounds for Pickleball & Tennis

Tennis Tournament

We’ll have a fun round robin style event where duo’s keep track of their won games. Each team will play each of the other teams in their flight.

You’ll play 5 matches of 6 games each (30 games total)

Ladies Tournament – Ages 18 and up

With 5 tennis courts, we’ll see how signups shake out and determine if we have 2 Sessions & Multiple Flights or just play with a bye or two round in there!

Tennis Scoring

Scoring will be traditional with one deuce only to move along play. What this means is if you get to 40-40 you will play a traditional deuce point to get to Ad-in or Ad-Out. If the Advantage team wins, the game is over. However, if you get back to a 2nd deuce, it will then become sudden death. The receiving team selects who they would like to receive the ball. The point is played out and the winner of that point wins the game.

Each of your matches will be 6 games, so your score might be 6-0, 5-1, 4-2, 3-3, etc. Keep track of your score and report in between each round.

If applicable, Flights will be separated between courts 1-3, or 4-5 to make it easier to shift around and keep play moving along.

Pickleball Tournament

We’ll be utilizing the 6 brand new pickleball courts!

Pickleball Rules of Play

You will play each team for a Game to 11 (win by 2)

  • In traditional pickleball scoring, you only win points on your serve and you continue serving until you lose a rally. After winning each point on your serve, you switch sides (left and right) with your partner and serve to the other opponent.
  • When your team loses a point, your teammate begins serving following the sequence described above until another point is lost by your team (the serving team). Once that happens, the serve “sides out” (switches) to the other team.

To determine who serves first, play Rock, Paper Scissors. Winner will begin serving.

Since there is an odd number of teams, during one of the matchups you’ll have a bye round to rest!

After playing each round you will write your scores on your Team Score Sheet which you’ll keep with you.

You will make your own line calls.

Please call the score before each point.

  • First Number: score of the serving team
  • Second Number: score of the receiving teamo
  • Third Number: which player of the team is serving, first server (1) or second server (2)

Not knowing how long each game will take, you can decide to play each other twice if games progress quickly. Or to keep things fun, once you’ve played everyone, feel free to mix up partners and rotate around for fun play or kick back and relax and watch some of the tennis matchups!

Pickleball Finals Bracket

Based on the collected scores the Top 2 Teams will play in a Finalist Match to 11 Points (win by 2)

‘Trophies’ are awarded for the Winner & Runner Up!

The Fun

We’ll have a brief opening ceremony to explain rules before each session and then we’ll kick off play.

We’ll have a special presentation with Seymour Pink and honor our survivor players.

Drinks & light food will be provided.

Every participant gets a small gift.

Raffle tickets are available for purchase at the event.

All entries will earn a door prize entry.

Wear your pink!


We’ve set up the registration form so that one person can complete it for their duo.

If you don’t have a partner lined up please email us at [email protected] or reach out on Facebook so that we can help you pair up PRIOR to signing up.

Registration closes September 30th.


The top doubles team and finalist doubles team will earn Awards for Ladies Tennis & Pickle.

Inclement Weather

Let’s pray for a BEAUTIFUL FALL DAY!

We’ll have to plan around Post University tennis schedules for a rain date otherwise…. 🙁